Pinedale County Water District.


Man with water can.

 Outdoor watering 1 days per week..

Even-numbered addresses (ending in 0,2,4,6,8)—SUNDAY ONLY.
Odd-numbered addresses (ending in 1,3,5,7,9) – SATURDAY ONLY.

Watering allowed only between the hours of 12:00 a.m.-6 a.m. & 7 p.m.-midnight on the specified watering days

Villa Capri MHE water days is – Saturday.

NO WATERING Monday – Thru Friday.

NO outdoor watering allowed within 48 hours after measurable rainfall. 
Outdoor watering is limited to 5 minutes per station.

PCWD website.

Notice of Interruption.

City of Fresno Code Enforcement

The City of Fresno Code Enforcement will be inspecting the park on January 8, 2024. Pre-inspection orientation will be on December 12, 2023, From 9:00am to 11:00am at the Clubhouse. You can find more information on the Fresno City website. Please refer to the following links for more details:
Fresno City Website: Mobilome Park Maintenance (MPM) inspections

Mobile Home Parks Inspection Resident Information Booklet.

Mobile Home Park Maintenance Inspection Video

Internet Outage

Internet unavailable

Xfinity has detected a network performance issue in our area and they are working on makeing improvements as quickly as they can; you may experience a temporary service interruption during this time.

ZIP Code:


Outage Type:


Subscribers Affected:


Copper Wire in the Park.

If you are new to the park Welcome!

Just a FYI about the utilities, the gas and electric has been updated but the underground cooper wire for phone and internet service has not.

So you might find it hard to keep a reliable service here because the wires are old and short out when they get wet in the rainy season.

This utility more than likely will not be updated because the cell phone make it obsolete and not cost-effective. The park does have reliable cable service.